Square Baking Dish
Freezer - to - Oven safe baking dishis made of borosilicate glass to with stand extreme temperature change of up to 120℃/248F withease.
To accommodate all of your bakingand storage needs, borosilicate glasscan handle temperatures of up to +560C / +1040F and down to - 40C / - 40T.
With a transparent and non- poroussurface, borosilicate glass guaranteesodor and stain free cookware.
Having anon-poroussurface, itishighly hygienic and naturally resistscorrosion, Corrosion resistant, durable and longlasting .FDA,LFGB, &DG CCRFapproved .
Round Baking Dish
Freezer - to - Oven safe baking dishis made of borosilicate glass to with stand extreme temperature change of up to 120℃/248F withease.
To accommodate all of your bakingand storage needs, borosilicate glasscan handle temperatures of up to +560C / +1040F and down to - 40C / - 40T.
With a transparent and non- poroussurface, borosilicate glass guaranteesodor and stain free cookware.
Having anon-poroussurface, itishighly hygienic and naturally resistscorrosion, Corrosion resistant, durable and longlasting .FDA,LFGB, &DG CCRFapproved .
Oval Baking Dish
Freezer - to - Oven safe baking dishis made of borosilicate glass to with stand extreme temperature change of up to 120℃/248F withease.
To accommodate all of your bakingand storage needs, borosilicate glasscan handle temperatures of up to +560C / +1040F and down to - 40C / - 40T.
With a transparent and non- poroussurface, borosilicate glass guaranteesodor and stain free cookware.
Having anon-poroussurface, itishighly hygienic and naturally resistscorrosion, Corrosion resistant, durable and longlasting .FDA,LFGB, &DG CCRFapproved .